brew(1) – The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)


brew --version
brew command [--verbose|-v] [options] [formula] …


Homebrew is the easiest and most flexible way to install the UNIX tools Apple didn’t include with macOS. It can also install software not packaged for your Linux distribution without requiring sudo.



Homebrew package definition that builds from upstream sources


Homebrew package definition that installs macOS native applications


path in which Homebrew is installed, e.g. /usr/local


installation destination directory of a given formula version, e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/foo/0.1


directory containing one or more versioned kegs, e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/foo


a formula is keg-only if it is not symlinked into Homebrew’s prefix

opt prefix

a symlink to the active version of a keg, e.g. /usr/local/opt/foo


directory containing one or more named racks, e.g. /usr/local/Cellar


directory containing one or more named casks, e.g. /usr/local/Caskroom

external command

brew subcommand defined outside of the Homebrew/brew GitHub repository


directory (and usually Git repository) of formulae, casks and/or external commands


pre-built keg poured into a rack of the Cellar instead of building from upstream sources


For the full command list, see the COMMANDS section.

With --verbose or --debug, many commands print extra debugging information. Note that these options should only appear after a command.

Some command behaviour can be customised with environment variables; see the ENVIRONMENT section.

install formula

Install formula.

formula is usually the name of the formula to install, but it has other syntaxes which are listed in the SPECIFYING FORMULAE section.

uninstall formula

Uninstall formula.


List all installed formulae.

search [text|/text/]

Perform a substring search of cask tokens and formula names for text. If text is flanked by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression. The search for text is extended online to homebrew/core and homebrew/cask. If no search term is provided, all locally available formulae are listed.


analytics [subcommand]

Control Homebrew’s anonymous aggregate user behaviour analytics.

brew analytics [state]

Display the current state of Homebrew’s analytics.

brew analytics (on|off)

Turn Homebrew’s analytics on or off respectively.

autoremove [--dry-run]

Uninstall formulae that were only installed as a dependency of another formula and are now no longer needed.

-n, --dry-run

List what would be uninstalled, but do not actually uninstall anything.


List all locally installable casks including short names.

cleanup [options] [formula|cask …]

Remove stale lock files and outdated downloads for all formulae and casks, and remove old versions of installed formulae. If arguments are specified, only do this for the given formulae and casks. Removes all downloads more than 120 days old. This can be adjusted with HOMEBREW_CLEANUP_MAX_AGE_DAYS.


Remove all cache files older than specified days. If you want to remove everything, use --prune=all.

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be removed, but do not actually remove anything.

-s, --scrub

Scrub the cache, including downloads for even the latest versions. Note that downloads for any installed formulae or casks will still not be deleted. If you want to delete those too: rm -rf "$(brew --cache)"


Only prune the symlinks and directories from the prefix and remove no other files.

command command […]

Display the path to the file being used when invoking brew cmd.

commands [--quiet] [--include-aliases]

Show lists of built-in and external commands.

-q, --quiet

List only the names of commands without category headers.


Include aliases of internal commands.

completions [subcommand]

Control whether Homebrew automatically links external tap shell completion files. Read more at

brew completions [state]

Display the current state of Homebrew’s completions.

brew completions (link|unlink)

Link or unlink Homebrew’s completions.

config, --config

Show Homebrew and system configuration info useful for debugging. If you file a bug report, you will be required to provide this information.

deps [options] [formula|cask …]

Show dependencies for formula. When given multiple formula arguments, show the intersection of dependencies for each formula. By default, deps shows all required and recommended dependencies.

If any version of each formula argument is installed and no other options are passed, this command displays their actual runtime dependencies (similar to brew linkage), which may differ from the current versions’ stated dependencies if the installed versions are outdated.

Note: --missing and --skip-recommended have precedence over --include-*.

-n, --topological

Sort dependencies in topological order.

-1, --direct

Show only the direct dependencies declared in the formula.


Show the union of dependencies for multiple formula, instead of the intersection.


List dependencies by their full name.


Include :build dependencies for formula.


Include :optional dependencies for formula.


Include :test dependencies for formula (non-recursive).


Skip :recommended dependencies for formula.


Include requirements in addition to dependencies for formula.


Show dependencies as a tree. When given multiple formula arguments, show individual trees for each formula.


Show dependencies as a directed graph.


Show text-based graph description in DOT format.


Mark any build, test, implicit, optional, or recommended dependencies as such in the output.


List dependencies for formulae that are currently installed. If formula is specified, list only its dependencies that are currently installed.


Show only missing dependencies.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to list their dependencies.


Switch into the mode used by the --eval-all option, but only list dependencies for each provided formula, one formula per line. This is used for debugging the --installed/--eval-all display mode.


Show dependencies for HEAD version instead of stable version.


Show dependencies for the given operating system.


Show dependencies for the given CPU architecture.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

desc [options] formula|cask|text|/regex/ […]

Display formula’s name and one-line description. The cache is created on the first search, making that search slower than subsequent ones.

-s, --search

Search both names and descriptions for text. If text is flanked by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression.

-n, --name

Search just names for text. If text is flanked by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression.

-d, --description

Search just descriptions for text. If text is flanked by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to search their descriptions. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

developer [subcommand]

Control Homebrew’s developer mode. When developer mode is enabled, brew update will update Homebrew to the latest commit on the master branch instead of the latest stable version along with some other behaviour changes.

brew developer [state]

Display the current state of Homebrew’s developer mode.

brew developer (on|off)

Turn Homebrew’s developer mode on or off respectively.


Open Homebrew’s online documentation at in a browser.

doctor, dr [--list-checks] [--audit-debug] [diagnostic_check …]

Check your system for potential problems. Will exit with a non-zero status if any potential problems are found.

Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is working fine: please don’t worry or file an issue; just ignore this.


List all audit methods, which can be run individually if provided as arguments.

-D, --audit-debug

Enable debugging and profiling of audit methods.

fetch [options] formula|cask […]

Download a bottle (if available) or source packages for formulae and binaries for casks. For files, also print SHA-256 checksums.


Download for the given operating system. (Pass all to download for all operating systems.)


Download for the given CPU architecture. (Pass all to download for all architectures.)


Download a bottle for given tag.


Fetch HEAD version instead of stable version.

-f, --force

Remove a previously cached version and re-fetch.

-v, --verbose

Do a verbose VCS checkout, if the URL represents a VCS. This is useful for seeing if an existing VCS cache has been updated.


Retry if downloading fails or re-download if the checksum of a previously cached version no longer matches. Tries at most 5 times with exponential backoff.


Also download dependencies for any listed formula.

-s, --build-from-source

Download source packages rather than a bottle.


Download source packages (for eventual bottling) rather than a bottle.


Download a bottle if it exists for the current or newest version of macOS, even if it would not be used during installation.


Disable/enable quarantining of downloads (default: enabled).


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.


List all locally installable formulae including short names.

gist-logs [options] formula

Upload logs for a failed build of formula to a new Gist. Presents an error message if no logs are found.


Include the hostname in the Gist.

-n, --new-issue

Automatically create a new issue in the appropriate GitHub repository after creating the Gist.

-p, --private

The Gist will be marked private and will not appear in listings but will be accessible with its link.

help [command …]

Outputs the usage instructions for brew command. Equivalent to brew --help command.

home, homepage [--formula] [--cask] [formula|cask …]

Open a formula or cask’s homepage in a browser, or open Homebrew’s own homepage if no argument is provided.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

info, abv [options] [formula|cask …]

Display brief statistics for your Homebrew installation. If a formula or cask is provided, show summary of information about it.


List global Homebrew analytics data or, if specified, installation and build error data for formula (provided neither HOMEBREW_NO_ANALYTICS nor HOMEBREW_NO_GITHUB_API are set).


How many days of analytics data to retrieve. The value for days must be 30, 90 or 365. The default is 30.


Which type of analytics data to retrieve. The value for category must be install, install-on-request or build-error; cask-install or os-version may be specified if formula is not. The default is install.


Open the GitHub source page for formula and cask in a browser. To view the history locally: brew log -p formula or cask


Fetch GitHub Packages manifest for extra information when formula is not installed.


Print a JSON representation. Currently the default value for version is v1 for formula. For formula and cask use v2. See the docs for examples of using the JSON output:


Print JSON of formulae that are currently installed.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to print their JSON. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Include the variations hash in each formula’s JSON output.

-v, --verbose

Show more verbose analytics data for formula.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

install [options] formula|cask […]

Install a formula or cask. Additional options specific to a formula may be appended to the command.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK is set, brew upgrade or brew reinstall will be run for outdated dependents and dependents with broken linkage, respectively.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for the installed formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_UPGRADE is set, brew install formula will upgrade formula if it is already installed but outdated.

-d, --debug

If brewing fails, open an interactive debugging session with access to IRB or a shell inside the temporary build directory.


Print install times for each package at the end of the run.

-f, --force

Install formulae without checking for previously installed keg-only or non-migrated versions. When installing casks, overwrite existing files (binaries and symlinks are excluded, unless originally from the same cask).

-v, --verbose

Print the verification and post-install steps.

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be installed, but do not actually install anything.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


An unsupported Homebrew development option to skip installing any dependencies of any kind. If the dependencies are not already present, the formula will have issues. If you’re not developing Homebrew, consider adjusting your PATH rather than using this option.


Install the dependencies with specified options but do not install the formula itself.


Attempt to compile using the specified compiler, which should be the name of the compiler’s executable, e.g. gcc-9 for GCC 9. In order to use LLVM’s clang, specify llvm_clang. To use the Apple-provided clang, specify clang. This option will only accept compilers that are provided by Homebrew or bundled with macOS. Please do not file issues if you encounter errors while using this option.

-s, --build-from-source

Compile formula from source even if a bottle is provided. Dependencies will still be installed from bottles if they are available.


Install from a bottle if it exists for the current or newest version of macOS, even if it would not normally be used for installation.


Install testing dependencies required to run brew test formula.


If formula defines it, install the HEAD version, aka. main, trunk, unstable, master.


Fetch the upstream repository to detect if the HEAD installation of the formula is outdated. Otherwise, the repository’s HEAD will only be checked for updates when a new stable or development version has been released.


Retain the temporary files created during installation.


Generate debug symbols on build. Source will be retained in a cache directory.


Prepare the formula for eventual bottling during installation, skipping any post-install steps.


Install but skip any post-install steps.


Optimise bottles for the specified architecture rather than the oldest architecture supported by the version of macOS the bottles are built on.

-i, --interactive

Download and patch formula, then open a shell. This allows the user to run ./configure --help and otherwise determine how to turn the software package into a Homebrew package.

-g, --git

Create a Git repository, useful for creating patches to the software.


Delete files that already exist in the prefix while linking.


Treat all named arguments as casks.


Disable/enable linking of helper executables (default: enabled).


Require all casks to have a checksum.


Disable/enable quarantining of downloads (default: enabled).


Adopt existing artifacts in the destination that are identical to those being installed. Cannot be combined with --force.


Skip installing cask dependencies.


For use with brew reinstall --cask. Remove all files associated with a cask. May remove files which are shared between applications.

leaves [--installed-on-request] [--installed-as-dependency]

List installed formulae that are not dependencies of another installed formula or cask.

-r, --installed-on-request

Only list leaves that were manually installed.

-p, --installed-as-dependency

Only list leaves that were installed as dependencies.

Symlink all of formula’s installed files into Homebrew’s prefix. This is done automatically when you install formulae but can be useful for manual installations.


Delete files that already exist in the prefix while linking.

-n, --dry-run

List files which would be linked or deleted by brew link --overwrite without actually linking or deleting any files.

-f, --force

Allow keg-only formulae to be linked.


Link the HEAD version of the formula if it is installed.

list, ls [options] [installed_formula|installed_cask …]

List all installed formulae and casks. If formula is provided, summarise the paths within its current keg. If cask is provided, list its artifacts.


List only formulae, or treat all named arguments as formulae.


List only casks, or treat all named arguments as casks.


Print formulae with fully-qualified names. Unless --full-name, --versions or --pinned are passed, other options (i.e. -1, -l, -r and -t) are passed to ls(1) which produces the actual output.


Show the version number for installed formulae, or only the specified formulae if formula are provided.


Only show formulae with multiple versions installed.


List only pinned formulae, or only the specified (pinned) formulae if formula are provided. See also pin, unpin.


List the formulae installed on request.


List the formulae installed as dependencies.


List the formulae installed from a bottle.


List the formulae compiled from source.


Force output to be one entry per line. This is the default when output is not to a terminal.


List formulae and/or casks in long format. Has no effect when a formula or cask name is passed as an argument.


Reverse the order of the formulae and/or casks sort to list the oldest entries first. Has no effect when a formula or cask name is passed as an argument.


Sort formulae and/or casks by time modified, listing most recently modified first. Has no effect when a formula or cask name is passed as an argument.

log [options] [formula|cask]

Show the git log for formula or cask, or show the log for the Homebrew repository if no formula or cask is provided.

-p, --patch

Also print patch from commit.


Also print diffstat from commit.


Print only one line per commit.


Print only one commit.

-n, --max-count

Print only a specified number of commits.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

migrate [options] installed_formula|installed_cask […]

Migrate renamed packages to new names, where formula are old names of packages.

-f, --force

Treat installed formula and provided formula as if they are from the same taps and migrate them anyway.

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be migrated, but do not actually migrate anything.


Only migrate formulae.


Only migrate casks.

missing [--hide=] [formula …]

Check the given formula kegs for missing dependencies. If no formula are provided, check all kegs. Will exit with a non-zero status if any kegs are found to be missing dependencies.


Act as if none of the specified hidden are installed. hidden should be a comma-separated list of formulae.


Create symlinks for Homebrew’s installed NodeJS versions in ~/.nodenv/versions.

Note that older version symlinks will also be created so e.g. NodeJS 19.1.0 will also be symlinked to 19.0.0.

options [options] [formula …]

Show install options specific to formula.


Show all options on a single line separated by spaces.


Show options for formulae that are currently installed.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to show their options.


Show options for the specified command.

outdated [options] [formula|cask …]

List installed casks and formulae that have an updated version available. By default, version information is displayed in interactive shells and suppressed otherwise.

-q, --quiet

List only the names of outdated kegs (takes precedence over --verbose).

-v, --verbose

Include detailed version information.


List only outdated formulae.


List only outdated casks.


Print output in JSON format. There are two versions: v1 and v2. v1 is deprecated and is currently the default if no version is specified. v2 prints outdated formulae and casks.


Fetch the upstream repository to detect if the HEAD installation of the formula is outdated. Otherwise, the repository’s HEAD will only be checked for updates when a new stable or development version has been released.

-g, --greedy

Also include outdated casks with auto_updates true or version :latest.


Also include outdated casks including those with version :latest.


Also include outdated casks including those with auto_updates true.

pin installed_formula […]

Pin the specified formula, preventing them from being upgraded when issuing the brew upgrade formula command. See also unpin.

Note: Other packages which depend on newer versions of a pinned formula might not install or run correctly.

postinstall, post_install installed_formula […]

Rerun the post-install steps for formula.


Create symlinks for Homebrew’s installed Python versions in ~/.pyenv/versions.

Note that older patch version symlinks will be created and linked to the minor version so e.g. Python 3.11.0 will also be symlinked to 3.11.3.


Create symlinks for Homebrew’s installed Ruby versions in ~/.rbenv/versions.

Note that older version symlinks will also be created so e.g. Ruby 3.2.1 will also be symlinked to 3.2.0.

readall [options] [tap …]

Import all items from the specified tap, or from all installed taps if none is provided. This can be useful for debugging issues across all items when making significant changes to formula.rb, testing the performance of loading all items or checking if any current formulae/casks have Ruby issues.


Read using the given operating system. (Pass all to simulate all operating systems.)


Read using the given CPU architecture. (Pass all to simulate all architectures.)


Verify any alias symlinks in each tap.


Syntax-check all of Homebrew’s Ruby files (if no tap is passed).


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Don’t simulate other system configurations when checking formulae and casks.

reinstall [options] formula|cask […]

Uninstall and then reinstall a formula or cask using the same options it was originally installed with, plus any appended options specific to a formula.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK is set, brew upgrade or brew reinstall will be run for outdated dependents and dependents with broken linkage, respectively.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for the reinstalled formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

-d, --debug

If brewing fails, open an interactive debugging session with access to IRB or a shell inside the temporary build directory.


Print install times for each package at the end of the run.

-f, --force

Install without checking for previously installed keg-only or non-migrated versions.

-v, --verbose

Print the verification and post-install steps.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.

-s, --build-from-source

Compile formula from source even if a bottle is available.

-i, --interactive

Download and patch formula, then open a shell. This allows the user to run ./configure --help and otherwise determine how to turn the software package into a Homebrew package.


Install from a bottle if it exists for the current or newest version of macOS, even if it would not normally be used for installation.


Retain the temporary files created during installation.


Generate debug symbols on build. Source will be retained in a cache directory.

-g, --git

Create a Git repository, useful for creating patches to the software.


Treat all named arguments as casks.


Disable/enable linking of helper executables (default: enabled).


Require all casks to have a checksum.


Disable/enable quarantining of downloads (default: enabled).


Adopt existing artifacts in the destination that are identical to those being installed. Cannot be combined with --force.


Skip installing cask dependencies.


For use with brew reinstall --cask. Remove all files associated with a cask. May remove files which are shared between applications.

search, -S [options] text|/regex/ […]

Perform a substring search of cask tokens and formula names for text. If text is flanked by slashes, it is interpreted as a regular expression.


Search for formulae.


Search for casks.


Search for formulae with a description matching text and casks with a name or description matching text.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to search their descriptions. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Search for GitHub pull requests containing text.


Search for only open GitHub pull requests.


Search for only closed GitHub pull requests.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.


Search for text in the given database.

setup-ruby [command …]

Installs and configures Homebrew’s Ruby. If command is passed, it will only run Bundler if necessary for that command.

shellenv [shell …]

Valid shells: bash|csh|fish|pwsh|sh|tcsh|zsh

Print export statements. When run in a shell, this installation of Homebrew will be added to your PATH, MANPATH, and INFOPATH.

The variables HOMEBREW_PREFIX, HOMEBREW_CELLAR and HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY are also exported to avoid querying them multiple times. To help guarantee idempotence, this command produces no output when Homebrew’s bin and sbin directories are first and second respectively in your PATH. Consider adding evaluation of this command’s output to your dotfiles (e.g. ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zprofile on macOS and ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc on Linux) with: eval "$(brew shellenv)"

The shell can be specified explicitly with a supported shell name parameter. Unknown shells will output POSIX exports.

tab [options] installed_formula|installed_cask […]

Edit tab information for installed formulae or casks.

This can be useful when you want to control whether an installed formula should be removed by brew autoremove. To prevent removal, mark the formula as installed on request; to allow removal, mark the formula as not installed on request.


Mark installed_formula or installed_cask as installed on request.


Mark installed_formula or installed_cask as not installed on request.


Only mark formulae.


Only mark casks.

tap [options] [user/repo] [URL]

Tap a formula repository. If no arguments are provided, list all installed taps.

With URL unspecified, tap a formula repository from GitHub using HTTPS. Since so many taps are hosted on GitHub, this command is a shortcut for brew tap user/repo

With URL specified, tap a formula repository from anywhere, using any transport protocol that git(1) handles. The one-argument form of tap simplifies but also limits. This two-argument command makes no assumptions, so taps can be cloned from places other than GitHub and using protocols other than HTTPS, e.g. SSH, git, HTTP, FTP(S), rsync.


Install or change a tap with a custom remote. Useful for mirrors.


Migrate tapped formulae from symlink-based to directory-based structure.


Evaluate all the formulae, casks and aliases in the new tap to check validity. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Force install core taps even under API mode.

tap-info [--installed] [--json] [tap …]

Show detailed information about one or more taps. If no tap names are provided, display brief statistics for all installed taps.


Show information on each installed tap.


Print a JSON representation of tap. Currently the default and only accepted value for version is v1. See the docs for examples of using the JSON output:

uninstall, remove, rm [options] installed_formula|installed_cask […]

Uninstall a formula or cask.

-f, --force

Delete all installed versions of formula. Uninstall even if cask is not installed, overwrite existing files and ignore errors when removing files.


Remove all files associated with a cask. May remove files which are shared between applications.


Don’t fail uninstall, even if formula is a dependency of any installed formulae.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

Remove symlinks for formula from Homebrew’s prefix. This can be useful for temporarily disabling a formula: brew unlink formula && commands && brew link formula

-n, --dry-run

List files which would be unlinked without actually unlinking or deleting any files.

unpin installed_formula […]

Unpin formula, allowing them to be upgraded by brew upgrade formula. See also pin.

untap [--force] tap […]

Remove a tapped formula repository.

-f, --force

Untap even if formulae or casks from this tap are currently installed.

update, up [options]

Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae from GitHub using git(1) and perform any necessary migrations.


Use git merge to apply updates (rather than git rebase).


Run on auto-updates (e.g. before brew install). Skips some slower steps.

-f, --force

Always do a slower, full update check (even if unnecessary).

-v, --verbose

Print the directories checked and git operations performed.

-d, --debug

Display a trace of all shell commands as they are executed.

update-reset [repository …]

Fetch and reset Homebrew and all tap repositories (or any specified repository) using git(1) to their latest origin/HEAD.

Note: this will destroy all your uncommitted or committed changes.

upgrade [options] [installed_formula|installed_cask …]

Upgrade outdated casks and outdated, unpinned formulae using the same options they were originally installed with, plus any appended brew formula options. If cask or formula are specified, upgrade only the given cask or formula kegs (unless they are pinned; see pin, unpin).

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALLED_DEPENDENTS_CHECK is set, brew upgrade or brew reinstall will be run for outdated dependents and dependents with broken linkage, respectively.

Unless HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set, brew cleanup will then be run for the upgraded formulae or, every 30 days, for all formulae.

-d, --debug

If brewing fails, open an interactive debugging session with access to IRB or a shell inside the temporary build directory.


Print install times for each package at the end of the run.

-f, --force

Install formulae without checking for previously installed keg-only or non-migrated versions. When installing casks, overwrite existing files (binaries and symlinks are excluded, unless originally from the same cask).

-v, --verbose

Print the verification and post-install steps.

-n, --dry-run

Show what would be upgraded, but do not actually upgrade anything.


Treat all named arguments as formulae. If no named arguments are specified, upgrade only outdated formulae.

-s, --build-from-source

Compile formula from source even if a bottle is available.

-i, --interactive

Download and patch formula, then open a shell. This allows the user to run ./configure --help and otherwise determine how to turn the software package into a Homebrew package.


Install from a bottle if it exists for the current or newest version of macOS, even if it would not normally be used for installation.


Fetch the upstream repository to detect if the HEAD installation of the formula is outdated. Otherwise, the repository’s HEAD will only be checked for updates when a new stable or development version has been released.


Retain the temporary files created during installation.


Generate debug symbols on build. Source will be retained in a cache directory.


Delete files that already exist in the prefix while linking.


Treat all named arguments as casks. If no named arguments are specified, upgrade only outdated casks.


Skip installing cask dependencies.

-g, --greedy

Also include casks with auto_updates true or version :latest.


Also include casks with version :latest.


Also include casks with auto_updates true.


Disable/enable linking of helper executables (default: enabled).


Require all casks to have a checksum.


Disable/enable quarantining of downloads (default: enabled).

uses [options] formula […]

Show formulae and casks that specify formula as a dependency; that is, show dependents of formula. When given multiple formula arguments, show the intersection of formulae that use formula. By default, uses shows all formulae and casks that specify formula as a required or recommended dependency for their stable builds.

Note: --missing and --skip-recommended have precedence over --include-*.


Resolve more than one level of dependencies.


Only list formulae and casks that are currently installed.


Only list formulae and casks that are not currently installed.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to show their dependents.


Include formulae that specify formula as a :build dependency.


Include formulae that specify formula as a :test dependency.


Include formulae that specify formula as an :optional dependency.


Skip all formulae that specify formula as a :recommended dependency.


Include only formulae.


Include only casks.

--cache [options] [formula|cask …]

Display Homebrew’s download cache. See also HOMEBREW_CACHE.

If a formula or cask is provided, display the file or directory used to cache it.


Show cache file for the given operating system. (Pass all to show cache files for all operating systems.)


Show cache file for the given CPU architecture. (Pass all to show cache files for all architectures.)

-s, --build-from-source

Show the cache file used when building from source.


Show the cache file used when pouring a bottle.


Show the cache file used when pouring a bottle for the given tag.


Show the cache file used when building from HEAD.


Only show cache files for formulae.


Only show cache files for casks.

--caskroom [cask …]

Display Homebrew’s Caskroom path.

If cask is provided, display the location in the Caskroom where cask would be installed, without any sort of versioned directory as the last path.

--cellar [formula …]

Display Homebrew’s Cellar path. Default: $(brew --prefix)/Cellar, or if that directory doesn’t exist, $(brew --repository)/Cellar.

If formula is provided, display the location in the Cellar where formula would be installed, without any sort of versioned directory as the last path.

--env, environment [--shell=] [--plain] [formula …]

Summarise Homebrew’s build environment as a plain list.

If the command’s output is sent through a pipe and no shell is specified, the list is formatted for export to bash(1) unless --plain is passed.


Generate a list of environment variables for the specified shell, or --shell=auto to detect the current shell.


Generate plain output even when piped.

--prefix [--unbrewed] [--installed] [formula …]

Display Homebrew’s install path. Default:

If formula is provided, display the location where formula is or would be installed.


List files in Homebrew’s prefix not installed by Homebrew.


Outputs nothing and returns a failing status code if formula is not installed.

--repository, --repo [tap …]

Display where Homebrew’s Git repository is located.

If user/repo are provided, display where tap user/repo’s directory is located.

--version, -v

Print the version numbers of Homebrew, Homebrew/homebrew-core and Homebrew/homebrew-cask (if tapped) to standard output.


audit [options] [formula|cask …]

Check formula for Homebrew coding style violations. This should be run before submitting a new formula or cask. If no formula|cask are provided, check all locally available formulae and casks and skip style checks. Will exit with a non-zero status if any errors are found.


Audit the given operating system. (Pass all to audit all operating systems.)


Audit the given CPU architecture. (Pass all to audit all architectures.)


Run additional, stricter style checks.


Run additional, slower style checks that navigate the Git repository.


Run additional, slower style checks that require a network connection.


Only check formulae and casks that are currently installed.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to audit them. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.


Run various additional style checks to determine if a new formula or cask is eligible for Homebrew. This should be used when creating new formulae or casks and implies --strict and --online.


Audit for signed apps, which are required on ARM


Audit for token conflicts.


Check the formulae within the given tap, specified as user/repo.


Fix style violations automatically using RuboCop’s auto-correct feature.


Prefix every line of output with the file or formula name being audited, to make output easy to grep.


Skip running non-RuboCop style checks. Useful if you plan on running brew style separately. Enabled by default unless a formula is specified by name.

-D, --audit-debug

Enable debugging and profiling of audit methods.


Specify a comma-separated method list to only run the methods named audit_method.


Specify a comma-separated method list to skip running the methods named audit_method.


Specify a comma-separated cops list to check for violations of only the listed RuboCop cops.


Specify a comma-separated cops list to skip checking for violations of the listed RuboCop cops.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

bottle [options] installed_formula|file […]

Generate a bottle (binary package) from a formula that was installed with --build-bottle. If the formula specifies a rebuild version, it will be incremented in the generated DSL. Passing --keep-old will attempt to keep it at its original value, while --no-rebuild will remove it.


Do not check if the bottle can be marked as relocatable.


Build a bottle even if formula is not in homebrew/core or any installed taps.


If the formula specifies a rebuild version, remove it from the generated DSL.


If the formula specifies a rebuild version, attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL.


Write bottle information to a JSON file, which can be used as the value for --merge.


Generate an updated bottle block for a formula and optionally merge it into the formula file. Instead of a formula name, requires the path to a JSON file generated with brew bottle --json formula.


Write changes to the formula file. A new commit will be generated unless --no-commit is passed.


When passed with --write, a new commit will not generated after writing changes to the formula file.


When passed with --json, the tab will be written to the JSON file but not the bottle.


Don’t try to create an all bottle or stop a no-change upload.


Specify a committer name and email in git’s standard author format.


Use the specified URL as the root of the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.


Use the specified download strategy class for downloading the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.

bump [options] [formula|cask …]

Displays out-of-date packages and the latest version available. If the returned current and livecheck versions differ or when querying specific packages, also displays whether a pull request has been opened with the URL.


Print formulae/casks with fully-qualified names.


Do not retrieve pull requests from GitHub.


Check only formulae.


Check only casks.


Evaluate all formulae and casks.


Use Repology to check for outdated packages.


Check formulae and casks within the given tap, specified as user/repo.


Check formulae and casks that are currently installed.


Don’t try to fork the repository.


Open a pull request for the new version if none have been opened yet.


Letter or word that the list of package results should alphabetically follow.

bump-cask-pr [options] cask

Create a pull request to update cask with a new version.

A best effort to determine the SHA-256 will be made if the value is not supplied by the user.

-n, --dry-run

Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Make the expected file modifications without taking any Git actions.


When passed with --write-only, generate a new commit after writing changes to the cask file.


Don’t run brew audit before opening the PR.


Don’t run brew style --fix before opening the PR.


Print the pull request URL instead of opening in a browser.


Don’t try to fork the repository.


Specify the new version for the cask.


Specify the new cask version for the ARM architecture.


Specify the new cask version for the Intel architecture.


Prepend message to the default pull request message.


Specify the URL for the new download.


Specify the SHA-256 checksum of the new download.


Use the specified GitHub organization for forking.

bump-formula-pr [options] [formula]

Create a pull request to update formula with a new URL or a new tag.

If a URL is specified, the SHA-256 checksum of the new download should also be specified. A best effort to determine the SHA-256 will be made if not supplied by the user.

If a tag is specified, the Git commit revision corresponding to that tag should also be specified. A best effort to determine the revision will be made if the value is not supplied by the user.

If a version is specified, a best effort to determine the URL and SHA-256 or the tag and revision will be made if both values are not supplied by the user.

Note: this command cannot be used to transition a formula from a URL-and-SHA-256 style specification into a tag-and-revision style specification, nor vice versa. It must use whichever style specification the formula already uses.

-n, --dry-run

Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Make the expected file modifications without taking any Git actions.


When passed with --write-only, generate a new commit after writing changes to the formula file.


Don’t run brew audit before opening the PR.


Run brew audit --strict before opening the PR.


Run brew audit --online before opening the PR.


Print the pull request URL instead of opening in a browser.


Don’t try to fork the repository.


Use the specified URL as a mirror URL. If URL is a comma-separated list of URLs, multiple mirrors will be added.


Use the specified GitHub organization for forking.


Use the specified version to override the value parsed from the URL or tag. Note that --version=0 can be used to delete an existing version override from a formula if it has become redundant.


Prepend message to the default pull request message.


Specify the URL for the new download. If a URL is specified, the SHA-256 checksum of the new download should also be specified.


Specify the SHA-256 checksum of the new download.


Specify the new git commit tag for the formula.


Specify the new commit revision corresponding to the specified git tag or specified version.

-f, --force

Remove all mirrors if --mirror was not specified.


Install missing dependencies required to update resources.


Use the specified package-name when finding Python resources for formula. If no package name is specified, it will be inferred from the formula’s stable URL.


Include these additional Python packages when finding resources.


Exclude these Python packages when finding resources.

bump-revision [options] formula […]

Create a commit to increment the revision of formula. If no revision is present, “revision 1” will be added.

-n, --dry-run

Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Remove the bottle block in addition to bumping the revision.


Make the expected file modifications without taking any Git actions.


Append message to the default commit message.

bump-unversioned-casks [options] cask|tap […]

Check all casks with unversioned URLs in a given tap for updates.

-n, --dry-run

Do everything except caching state and opening pull requests.


Maximum runtime in minutes.


File for caching state.

cat [--formula] [--cask] formula|cask […]

Display the source of a formula or cask.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.

contributions [–user=email|username] [--repositories=] [--csv]

Summarise contributions to Homebrew repositories.


Specify a comma-separated list of repositories to search. Supported repositories: brew, core, cask, aliases, bundle, command-not-found, test-bot and services. Omitting this flag, or specifying --repositories=primary, searches only the main repositories: brew,core,cask. Specifying --repositories=all, searches all repositories.


Date (ISO-8601 format) to start searching contributions. Omitting this flag searches the last year.


Date (ISO-8601 format) to stop searching contributions.


Specify a comma-separated list of GitHub usernames or email addresses to find contributions from. Omitting this flag searches maintainers.


Print a CSV of contributions across repositories over the time period.

create [options] URL

Generate a formula or, with --cask, a cask for the downloadable file at URL and open it in the editor. Homebrew will attempt to automatically derive the formula name and version, but if it fails, you’ll have to make your own template. The wget formula serves as a simple example. For the complete API, see:


Create a basic template for an Autotools-style build.


Create a basic template for a cask.


Create a basic template for a CMake-style build.


Create a basic template for a Crystal build.


Create a basic template for a Go build.


Create a basic template for a Meson-style build.


Create a basic template for a Node build.


Create a basic template for a Perl build.


Create a basic template for a Python build.


Create a basic template for a Ruby build.


Create a basic template for a Rust build.


Homebrew will not download URL to the cache and will thus not add its SHA-256 to the formula for you, nor will it check the GitHub API for GitHub projects (to fill out its description and homepage).


Indicate that URL points to the package’s repository rather than a file.


Explicitly set the name of the new formula or cask.


Explicitly set the version of the new formula or cask.


Explicitly set the license of the new formula.


Generate the new formula within the given tap, specified as user/repo.

-f, --force

Ignore errors for disallowed formula names and names that shadow aliases.

debugger [--open] command […]

Run the specified Homebrew command in debug mode.

To pass flags to the command, use -- to separate them from the brew flags. For example: brew debugger -- list --formula.

-O, --open

Start remote debugging over a Unix socket.

dispatch-build-bottle [options] formula […]

Build bottles for these formulae with GitHub Actions.


Target tap repository (default: homebrew/core).


Build timeout (in minutes, default: 60).


If specified, post a comment to this issue number if the job fails.


macOS version (or comma-separated list of versions) the bottle should be built for.


Dispatch specified workflow (default: dispatch-build-bottle.yml).


Upload built bottles.


Dispatch bottle for Linux (using GitHub runners).


Dispatch bottle for Linux (using self-hosted runner).


Use Debian Wheezy container for building the bottle on Linux.

edit [options] [formula|cask|tap …]

Open a formula, cask or tap in the editor set by EDITOR or HOMEBREW_EDITOR, or open the Homebrew repository for editing if no argument is provided.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.


Print the file path to be edited, without opening an editor.

extract [--version=] [--git-revision=] [--force] formula tap

Look through repository history to find the most recent version of formula and create a copy in tap. Specifically, the command will create the new formula file at tap/Formula/formula@version.rb. If the tap is not installed yet, attempt to install/clone the tap before continuing. To extract a formula from a tap that is not homebrew/core use its fully-qualified form of user/repo/formula.


Search for the specified version of formula starting at revision instead of HEAD.


Extract the specified version of formula instead of the most recent.

-f, --force

Overwrite the destination formula if it already exists.

formula formula […]

Display the path where formula is located.

generate-cask-api [--dry-run]

Generate homebrew/cask API data files for The generated files are written to the current directory.

-n, --dry-run

Generate API data without writing it to files.

generate-formula-api [--dry-run]

Generate homebrew/core API data files for The generated files are written to the current directory.

-n, --dry-run

Generate API data without writing it to files.


Generate Homebrew’s manpages and shell completions.

install-bundler-gems [--groups=] [--add-groups=]

Install Homebrew’s Bundler gems.


Installs the specified comma-separated list of gem groups (default: last used). Replaces any previously installed groups.


Installs the specified comma-separated list of gem groups, in addition to those already installed.

irb [--examples] [--pry]

Enter the interactive Homebrew Ruby shell.


Show several examples.


Use Pry instead of IRB. Implied if HOMEBREW_PRY is set.

linkage [options] [installed_formula …]

Check the library links from the given formula kegs. If no formula are provided, check all kegs. Raises an error if run on uninstalled formulae.


Show only missing libraries and exit with a non-zero status if any missing libraries are found.


Exit with a non-zero status if any undeclared dependencies with linkage are found.


For every library that a keg references, print its dylib path followed by the binaries that link to it.


Print the cached linkage values stored in HOMEBREW_CACHE, set by a previous brew linkage run.

livecheck, lc [options] [formula|cask …]

Check for newer versions of formulae and/or casks from upstream. If no formula or cask argument is passed, the list of formulae and casks to check is taken from HOMEBREW_LIVECHECK_WATCHLIST or ~/.homebrew/livecheck_watchlist.txt.


Print formulae and casks with fully-qualified names.


Check formulae and casks within the given tap, specified as user/repo.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to check them.


Check formulae and casks that are currently installed.


Show the latest version only if it’s newer than the formula/cask.


Output information in JSON format.

-r, --resources

Also check resources for formulae.

-q, --quiet

Suppress warnings, don’t print a progress bar for JSON output.


Only check formulae.


Only check casks.


Enable checking multiple casks with ExtractPlist strategy.

pr-automerge [options]

Find pull requests that can be automatically merged using brew pr-publish.


Target tap repository (default: homebrew/core).


Workflow file to use with brew pr-publish.


Pull requests must have this label.


Pull requests must not have these labels (default: do not merge, new formula, automerge-skip, pre-release, CI-published-bottle-commits).


Pull requests do not require approval to be merged.


Run brew pr-publish on matching pull requests.


Instruct brew pr-publish to automatically reformat and reword commits in the pull request to the preferred format.


Include pull requests that have failing status checks.

pr-publish [options] pull_request […]

Publish bottles for a pull request with GitHub Actions. Requires write access to the repository.


If supported on the target tap, automatically reformat and reword commits to our preferred format.


Run the upload job on a large runner.


Branch to use the workflow from (default: master).


Message to include when autosquashing revision bumps, deletions and rebuilds.


Target tap repository (default: homebrew/core).


Target workflow filename (default: publish-commit-bottles.yml).

pr-pull [options] pull_request […]

Download and publish bottles and apply the bottle commit from a pull request with artifacts generated by GitHub Actions. Requires write access to the repository.


Download the bottles but don’t upload them.


Do not generate a new commit before uploading.


Do not cherry-pick commits from the pull request branch.

-n, --dry-run

Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Do not amend the commits from pull requests.


If the formula specifies a rebuild version, attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL.


Automatically reformat and reword commits in the pull request to our preferred format.


Do not warn if pulling to a branch besides the repository default (useful for testing).


When a patch fails to apply, leave in progress and allow user to resolve, instead of aborting.


Warn instead of raising an error if the bottle upload fails. Useful for repairing bottle uploads that previously failed.


Does not clean up the tmp directory for the bottle so it can be used later.


Specify a committer name and email in git’s standard author format.


Message to include when autosquashing revision bumps, deletions and rebuilds.


Download artifacts with the specified pattern (default: bottles{,_*}).


Target tap repository (default: homebrew/core).


Use the specified URL as the root of the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.


Use the specified download strategy class for downloading the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.


Retrieve artifacts from the specified workflow (default: tests.yml). Can be a comma-separated list to include multiple workflows.


Comma-separated list of workflows which can be ignored if they have not been run.

pr-upload [options]

Apply the bottle commit and publish bottles to a host.


If the formula specifies a rebuild version, attempt to preserve its value in the generated DSL.

-n, --dry-run

Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Do not generate a new commit before uploading.


Warn instead of raising an error if the bottle upload fails. Useful for repairing bottle uploads that previously failed.


Skip running brew bottle before uploading.


Specify a committer name and email in git’s standard author format.


Use the specified URL as the root of the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.


Use the specified download strategy class for downloading the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.

prof [--stackprof] [--vernier] command […]

Run Homebrew with a Ruby profiler. For example, brew prof readall.


Use stackprof instead of ruby-prof (the default).


Use vernier instead of ruby-prof (the default).

release [--major] [--minor]

Create a new draft Homebrew/brew release with the appropriate version number and release notes.

By default, brew release will bump the patch version number. Pass --major or --minor to bump the major or minor version numbers, respectively. The command will fail if the previous major or minor release was made less than one month ago.

Note: Requires write access to the Homebrew/brew repository.


Create a major release.


Create a minor release.


Installs, configures and runs Homebrew’s rubocop.

ruby [options] (-e text|file)

Run a Ruby instance with Homebrew’s libraries loaded. For example, brew ruby -e "puts :gcc.f.deps" or brew ruby script.rb.

Run e.g. brew ruby -- --version to pass arbitrary arguments to ruby.


Load a library using require.


Execute the given text string as a script.

rubydoc [--only-public] [--open]

Generate Homebrew’s RubyDoc documentation.


Only generate public API documentation.


Open generated documentation in a browser.

sh [--env=] [--cmd=] [file]

Enter an interactive shell for Homebrew’s build environment. Use years-battle-hardened build logic to help your ./configure && make && make install and even your gem install succeed. Especially handy if you run Homebrew in an Xcode-only configuration since it adds tools like make to your PATH which build systems would not find otherwise.


Use the standard PATH instead of superenv’s when std is passed.

-c, --cmd

Execute commands in a non-interactive shell.

style [options] [file|tap|formula|cask …]

Check formulae or files for conformance to Homebrew style guidelines.

Lists of file, tap and formula may not be combined. If none are provided, style will run style checks on the whole Homebrew library, including core code and all formulae.


Fix style violations automatically using RuboCop’s auto-correct feature.


Reset the RuboCop cache.


Treat all named arguments as formulae.


Treat all named arguments as casks.


Specify a comma-separated cops list to check for violations of only the listed RuboCop cops.


Specify a comma-separated cops list to skip checking for violations of the listed RuboCop cops.

tap-new [options] user/repo

Generate the template files for a new tap.


Don’t initialize a Git repository for the tap.


Label name for pull requests ready to be pulled (default: pr-pull).


Initialize Git repository and setup GitHub Actions workflows with the specified branch name (default: main).


Upload bottles to GitHub Packages.

test [options] installed_formula […]

Run the test method provided by an installed formula. There is no standard output or return code, but generally it should notify the user if something is wrong with the installed formula.

Example: brew install jruby && brew test jruby

-f, --force

Test formulae even if they are unlinked.


Test the HEAD version of a formula.


Retain the temporary files created for the test.


Retry if a testing fails.

tests [options]

Run Homebrew’s unit and integration tests.


Generate code coverage reports.


Run only OS-agnostic tests.


Include tests that use the GitHub API and tests that use any of the taps for official external commands.


Enable debugging using ruby/debug, or surface the standard odebug output.


Only runs tests on files that were changed from the master branch.


Exit early on the first failing test.


Run only <test_script>_spec.rb. Appending :<line_number> will start at a specific line.


Run the test suite serially to find the n slowest tests.


Randomise tests with the specified value instead of a random seed.

typecheck, tc [options] [tap …]

Check for typechecking errors using Sorbet.


Automatically fix type errors.

-q, --quiet

Silence all non-critical errors.


Update RBI files.


Update all RBI files rather than just updated gems.


Try upgrading typed sigils.


Start the Sorbet LSP server.


Typecheck all files in a specific directory.


Typecheck a single file.


Ignores input files that contain the given string in their paths (relative to the input path passed to Sorbet).

unbottled [options] [formula …]

Show the unbottled dependents of formulae.


Use the specified bottle tag (e.g. big_sur) instead of the current OS.


Skip getting analytics data and sort by number of dependents instead.


Print the number of unbottled and total formulae.


Print the homebrew/core commits where bottles were lost in the last week.


Evaluate all available formulae and casks, whether installed or not, to check them. Implied if HOMEBREW_EVAL_ALL is set.

unpack [options] formula […]

Unpack the source files for formula into subdirectories of the current working directory.


Create subdirectories in the directory named by path instead.


Patches for formula will be applied to the unpacked source.

-g, --git

Initialise a Git repository in the unpacked source. This is useful for creating patches for the software.

-f, --force

Overwrite the destination directory if it already exists.


Update SPDX license data in the Homebrew repository.


Update the list of maintainers in the Homebrew/brew README.

update-python-resources [options] formula […]

Update versions for PyPI resource blocks in formula.

-p, --print-only

Print the updated resource blocks instead of changing formula.

-s, --silent

Suppress any output.


Don’t fail if formula is not a PyPI package.


Install missing dependencies required to update resources.


Use the specified version when finding resources for formula. If no version is specified, the current version for formula will be used.


Use the specified package-name when finding resources for formula. If no package name is specified, it will be inferred from the formula’s stable URL.


Include these additional packages when finding resources.


Exclude these packages when finding resources.


Update the list of GitHub Sponsors in the Homebrew/brew README.

update-test [options]

Run a test of brew update with a new repository clone. If no options are passed, use origin/master as the start commit.


Set HOMEBREW_UPDATE_TO_TAG to test updating between tags.


Retain the temporary directory containing the new repository clone.


Use the specified commit as the start commit.


Use the commit at the specified date as the start commit.

vendor-gems [--update=] [--no-commit]

Install and commit Homebrew’s vendored gems.


Update the specified list of vendored gems to the latest version.


Do not generate a new commit upon completion.


These options are applicable to the install, reinstall and upgrade subcommands with the --cask switch.


Target location for Applications (default: /Applications).


Target location for Keyboard Layouts (default: /Library/Keyboard Layouts).


Target location for Color Pickers (default: ~/Library/ColorPickers).


Target location for Preference Panes (default: ~/Library/PreferencePanes).


Target location for Quick Look Plugins (default: ~/Library/QuickLook).


Target location for Spotlight Plugins (default: ~/Library/Spotlight).


Target location for Dictionaries (default: ~/Library/Dictionaries).


Target location for Fonts (default: ~/Library/Fonts).


Target location for Services (default: ~/Library/Services).


Target location for Input Methods (default: ~/Library/Input Methods).


Target location for Internet Plugins (default: ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins).


Target location for Audio Unit Plugins (default: ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components).


Target location for VST Plugins (default: ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST).


Target location for VST3 Plugins (default: ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3).


Target location for Screen Savers (default: ~/Library/Screen Savers).


Comma-separated list of language codes to prefer for cask installation. The first matching language is used, otherwise it reverts to the cask’s default language. The default value is the language of your system.


These options are applicable across multiple subcommands.

-d, --debug

Display any debugging information.

-q, --quiet

Make some output more quiet.

-v, --verbose

Make some output more verbose.

-h, --help

Show this message.


alias [alias … | alias=command]

Show existing aliases. If no aliases are given, print the whole list.


Edit aliases in a text editor. Either one or all aliases may be opened at once. If the given alias doesn’t exist it’ll be pre-populated with a template.

bundle [subcommand]

Bundler for non-Ruby dependencies from Homebrew, Homebrew Cask, Mac App Store, Whalebrew and Visual Studio Code.

brew bundle [install]

Install and upgrade (by default) all dependencies from the Brewfile.

You can specify the Brewfile location using --file or by setting the HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_FILE environment variable.

You can skip the installation of dependencies by adding space-separated values to one or more of the following environment variables: HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_BREW_SKIP, HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_CASK_SKIP, HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_MAS_SKIP, HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_WHALEBREW_SKIP, HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_TAP_SKIP.

brew bundle will output a Brewfile.lock.json in the same directory as the Brewfile if all dependencies are installed successfully. This contains dependency and system status information which can be useful for debugging brew bundle failures and replicating a “last known good build” state. You can opt-out of this behaviour by setting the HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_NO_LOCK environment variable or passing the --no-lock option. You may wish to check this file into the same version control system as your Brewfile (or ensure your version control system ignores it if you’d prefer to rely on debugging information from a local machine).

brew bundle dump

Write all installed casks/formulae/images/taps into a Brewfile in the current directory.

brew bundle cleanup

Uninstall all dependencies not present in the Brewfile.

This workflow is useful for maintainers or testers who regularly install lots of formulae.

Unless --force is passed, this returns a 1 exit code if anything would be removed.

brew bundle check

Check if all dependencies present in the Brewfile are installed.

This provides a successful exit code if everything is up-to-date, making it useful for scripting.

brew bundle list

List all dependencies present in the Brewfile.

By default, only Homebrew formula dependencies are listed.

brew bundle exec command

Run an external command in an isolated build environment based on the Brewfile dependencies.

This sanitized build environment ignores unrequested dependencies, which makes sure that things you didn’t specify in your Brewfile won’t get picked up by commands like bundle install, npm install, etc. It will also add compiler flags which will help with finding keg-only dependencies like openssl, icu4c, etc.


Read the Brewfile from this location. Use --file=- to pipe to stdin/stdout.


Read the Brewfile from ~/.Brewfile or the HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_FILE_GLOBAL environment variable, if set.

-v, --verbose

install prints output from commands as they are run. check lists all missing dependencies.


install does not run brew upgrade on outdated dependencies. Note they may still be upgraded by brew install if needed.

-f, --force

install runs with --force/--overwrite. dump overwrites an existing Brewfile. cleanup actually performs its cleanup operations.


install performs cleanup operation, same as running cleanup --force. This is enabled by default if HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_INSTALL_CLEANUP is set and --global is passed.


install does not output a Brewfile.lock.json.


list all dependencies.


list or dump Homebrew formula dependencies.


list or dump Homebrew cask dependencies.


list or dump Homebrew tap dependencies.


list or dump Mac App Store dependencies.


list or dump Whalebrew dependencies.


list or dump VSCode extensions.


dump without VSCode extensions. This is enabled by default if HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_DUMP_NO_VSCODE is set.


dump adds a description comment above each line, unless the dependency does not have a description. This is enabled by default if HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_DUMP_DESCRIBE is set.


dump does not add restart_service to formula lines.


cleanup casks using the zap command instead of uninstall.


Print instructions for setting up the command-not-found hook for your shell. If the output is not to a tty, print the appropriate handler script for your shell.

services [subcommand]

Manage background services with macOS’ launchctl(1) daemon manager or Linux’s systemctl(1) service manager.

If sudo is passed, operate on /Library/LaunchDaemons or /usr/lib/systemd/system (started at boot). Otherwise, operate on ~/Library/LaunchAgents or ~/.config/systemd/user (started at login).

[sudo] brew services [list] (--json) (--debug)

List information about all managed services for the current user (or root). Provides more output from Homebrew and launchctl(1) or systemctl(1) if run with --debug.

[sudo] brew services info (formula|--all|--json)

List all managed services for the current user (or root).

[sudo] brew services run (formula|--all)

Run the service formula without registering to launch at login (or boot).

[sudo] brew services start (formula|--all|--file=)

Start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login (or boot).

[sudo] brew services stop (formula|--all)

Stop the service formula immediately and unregister it from launching at login (or boot).

[sudo] brew services kill (formula|--all)

Stop the service formula immediately but keep it registered to launch at login (or boot).

[sudo] brew services restart (formula|--all)

Stop (if necessary) and start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login (or boot).

[sudo] brew services cleanup

Remove all unused services.


Use the service file from this location to start the service.


When run as root on macOS, run the service(s) as this user.


Run subcommand on all services.


Output as JSON.


Don’t wait for stop to finish stopping the service.

test-bot [options] [formula]

Tests the full lifecycle of a Homebrew change to a tap (Git repository). For example, for a GitHub Actions pull request that changes a formula brew test-bot will ensure the system is cleaned and set up to test the formula, install the formula, run various tests and checks on it, bottle (package) the binaries and test formulae that depend on it to ensure they aren’t broken by these changes.

Only supports GitHub Actions as a CI provider. This is because Homebrew uses GitHub Actions and it’s freely available for public and private use with macOS and Linux workers.


Print what would be done rather than doing it.


Clean all state from the Homebrew directory. Use with care!


Don’t check if the local system is set up correctly.


Build from source rather than building bottles.


Build dependents from source rather than testing bottles.


generate a JUnit XML test results file.


Run brew bottle --keep-old to build new bottles for a single platform.


Run brew bottle --skip-relocation to build new bottles that don’t require relocation.


Run brew bottle --only-json-tab to build new bottles that do not contain a tab.


Ask Homebrew to write verbose logs under ./logs/ and set $HOME to ./home/


Use the Git repository of the given tap. Defaults to the core tap for syntax checking.


Immediately exit on a failing step.

-v, --verbose

Print test step output in real time. Has the side effect of passing output as raw bytes instead of re-encoding in UTF-8.


Use a default testing formula when not building a tap and no other formulae are specified.


Use the specified URL as the root of the bottle’s URL instead of Homebrew’s default.


Set the Git author/committer names to the given name.


Set the Git author/committer email to the given email.


Publish the uploaded bottles.


Don’t pass --online to brew audit and skip brew livecheck.


Don’t pass --new to brew audit for new formulae.


Don’t pass --strict to brew audit for new formulae.


Don’t test any dependents.


Don’t test livecheck.


Only test the direct dependents.


Don’t audit checksum-only changes.


Don’t audit the stable version.


Don’t audit the revision.


Only run the pre-cleanup step. Needs --cleanup.


Only run the local system setup check step.


Only run the tap syntax check step.


Only run the tap syntax checks needed on stable brew.


Only run the formulae steps.


Only run the formulae detection steps.


Only run the formulae dependents steps.


Only run the bottles fetch steps. This optional post-upload test checks that all the bottles were uploaded correctly. It is not run unless requested and only needs to be run on a single machine. The bottle commit to be tested must be on the tested branch.


Only run the post-cleanup step. Needs --cleanup.


Use these testing formulae rather than running the formulae detection steps.


Use these added formulae rather than running the formulae detection steps.


Use these deleted formulae rather than running the formulae detection steps.


Use these skipped or failed formulae from formulae steps for a formulae dependents step.


Use these tested formulae from formulae steps for a formulae dependents step.

unalias alias […]

Remove aliases.

which-formula [--explain] command […]

Show which formula(e) provides the given command.


Output explanation of how to get command by installing one of the providing formulae.

which-update [options] [database]

Database update for brew which-formula.


Print statistics about the database contents (number of commands and formulae, list of missing formulae).


Commit the changes using git.


Update database entries with outdated formula versions.


Install and update formulae that are missing from the database and don’t have bottles.


Evaluate all installed taps, rather than just the core tap.


Specify a maximum number of formulae to download and update.


Homebrew, like git(1), supports external commands. These are executable scripts that reside somewhere in the PATH, named brew-cmdname or brew-cmdname.rb, which can be invoked like brew cmdname. This allows you to create your own commands without modifying Homebrew’s internals.

Instructions for creating your own commands can be found in the docs:


Many Homebrew commands accept one or more formula arguments. These arguments can take several different forms:


Many Homebrew Cask commands accept one or more cask arguments. These can be specified the same way as the formula arguments described in SPECIFYING FORMULAE above.


Note that environment variables must have a value set to be detected. For example, run export HOMEBREW_NO_INSECURE_REDIRECT=1 rather than just export HOMEBREW_NO_INSECURE_REDIRECT.

HOMEBREW_* environment variables can also be set in Homebrew’s environment files:

User-specific environment files take precedence over prefix-specific files and prefix-specific files take precedence over system-wide files (unless HOMEBREW_SYSTEM_ENV_TAKES_PRIORITY is set, see below).

Note that these files do not support shell variable expansion e.g. $HOME or command execution e.g. $(cat file).


A space-separated list of taps. Homebrew will refuse to install a formula unless it and all of its dependencies are in an official tap or in a tap on this list.


Check Homebrew’s API for new formulae or cask data every HOMEBREW_API_AUTO_UPDATE_SECS seconds. Alternatively, disable API auto-update checks entirely with HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE.

Default: 450.


Use this URL as the download mirror for Homebrew JSON API. If metadata files at that URL are temporarily unavailable, the default API domain will be used as a fallback mirror.



Linux only: Pass this value to a type name representing the compiler’s -march option.

Default: native.


Prefix all download URLs, including those for bottles, with this value. For example, HOMEBREW_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN=http://localhost:8080 will cause a formula with the URL to instead download from http://localhost:8080/ Bottle URLs however, have their domain replaced with this prefix. This results in e.g. to instead be downloaded from http://localhost:8080/v2/homebrew/core/gettext/manifests/0.21


If HOMEBREW_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN and HOMEBREW_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN_NO_FALLBACK are both set, if the request to HOMEBREW_ARTIFACT_DOMAIN fails then it Homebrew will error rather than trying any other/default URLs.


Run brew update once every HOMEBREW_AUTO_UPDATE_SECS seconds before some commands, e.g. brew install, brew upgrade and brew tap. Alternatively, disable auto-update entirely with HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE.

Default: 86400 (24 hours), 3600 (1 hour) if a developer command has been run or 300 (5 minutes) if HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API is set.


If set, use bat for the brew cat command.


Use this as the bat configuration file.



Use this as the bat theme for syntax highlighting.

Default: $BAT_THEME.


If set, use Bootsnap to speed up repeated brew calls. A no-op on Linux when not using Homebrew’s vendored, relocatable Ruby.


Use this URL as the download mirror for bottles. If bottles at that URL are temporarily unavailable, the default bottle domain will be used as a fallback mirror. For example, HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN=http://localhost:8080 will cause all bottles to download from the prefix http://localhost:8080/. If bottles are not available at HOMEBREW_BOTTLE_DOMAIN they will be downloaded from the default bottle domain.



Use this URL as the Homebrew/brew git(1) remote.



Use this as the browser when opening project homepages.

Default: $BROWSER or the OS’s default browser.


If set, use this directory as the bundle(1) user cache.


Use this directory as the download cache.

Default: macOS: $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew, Linux: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/Homebrew or $HOME/.cache/Homebrew.


Append these options to all cask commands. All --*dir options, --language, --require-sha, --no-quarantine and --no-binaries are supported. For example, you might add something like the following to your ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.zshenv:

export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=~/Applications --fontdir=/Library/Fonts"


Cleanup all cached files older than this many days.

Default: 120.


If set, brew install, brew upgrade and brew reinstall will cleanup all formulae when this number of days has passed.

Default: 30.


If set, force colour output on non-TTY outputs.


Use this URL as the Homebrew/homebrew-core git(1) remote.



If set to an absolute path (i.e. beginning with /), pass it with --config when invoking curl(1). If set but not a valid path, do not pass --disable, which disables the use of .curlrc.


Linux only: Set this value to a new enough curl executable for Homebrew to use.

Default: curl.


Pass the given retry count to --retry when invoking curl(1).

Default: 3.


If set, pass --verbose when invoking curl(1).


If set, always assume --debug when running commands.


If set, tweak behaviour to be more relevant for Homebrew developers (active or budding) by e.g. turning warnings into errors.


If set, the interactive formula debugger available via --debug will be disabled.


If set, refuse to load formulae. This is useful when formulae are not trusted (such as in pull requests).


Use this X11 display when opening a page in a browser, for example with brew home. Primarily useful on Linux.

Default: $DISPLAY.


If set, print install times for each formula at the end of the run.


Use this base64 encoded username and password for authenticating with a Docker registry proxying GitHub Packages. If HOMEBREW_DOCKER_REGISTRY_TOKEN is set, it will be used instead.


Use this bearer token for authenticating with a Docker registry proxying GitHub Packages. Preferred over HOMEBREW_DOCKER_REGISTRY_BASIC_AUTH_TOKEN.


Use this editor when editing a single formula, or several formulae in the same directory.

Note: brew edit will open all of Homebrew as discontinuous files and directories. Visual Studio Code can handle this correctly in project mode, but many editors will do strange things in this case.

Default: $EDITOR or $VISUAL.


If set, brew commands evaluate all formulae and casks, executing their arbitrary code, by default without requiring --eval-all. Required to cache formula and cask descriptions.


Output this many lines of output on formula system failures.

Default: 15.


A space-separated list of casks. Homebrew will refuse to install a cask if it or any of its dependencies is on this list.


A space-separated list of formulae. Homebrew will refuse to install a formula or cask if it or any of its dependencies is on this list.


A space-separated list of SPDX license identifiers. Homebrew will refuse to install a formula if it or any of its dependencies has a license on this list.


The person who has set any HOMEBREW_FORBIDDEN_* variables.

Default: you.


How to contact the HOMEBREW_FORBIDDEN_OWNER, if set and necessary.


A space-separated list of taps. Homebrew will refuse to install a formula if it or any of its dependencies is in a tap on this list.


If set, Homebrew will refuse to read formulae or casks provided from file paths, e.g. brew install ./package.rb.


If set, always use a Homebrew-installed ca-certificates rather than the system version. Automatically set if the system version is too old.


If set, always use a Homebrew-installed curl(1) rather than the system version. Automatically set if the system version of curl is too old.


If set, always use a Homebrew-installed git(1) rather than the system version. Automatically set if the system version of git is too old.


If set, always use Homebrew’s vendored, relocatable Ruby version even if the system version of Ruby is new enough.


If set, controls network access to the sandbox for formulae builds. Overrides any controls set through DSL usage inside formulae. Must be allow or deny. If no value is set through this environment variable or DSL usage, the default behavior is allow.


If set, controls network access to the sandbox for formulae postinstall. Overrides any controls set through DSL usage inside formulae. Must be allow or deny. If no value is set through this environment variable or DSL usage, the default behavior is allow.


If set, controls network access to the sandbox for formulae test. Overrides any controls set through DSL usage inside formulae. Must be allow or deny. If no value is set through this environment variable or DSL usage, the default behavior is allow.


Use this personal access token for the GitHub API, for features such as brew search. You can create one at If set, GitHub will allow you a greater number of API requests. For more information, see:

Note: Homebrew doesn’t require permissions for any of the scopes, but some developer commands may require additional permissions.


Use this GitHub personal access token when accessing the GitHub Packages Registry (where bottles may be stored).


Use this username when accessing the GitHub Packages Registry (where bottles may be stored).


Set the Git author and committer email to this value.


Set the Git author and committer name to this value.


Linux only: Set this value to a new enough git executable for Homebrew to use.

Default: git.


Print this text before the installation summary of each successful build.

Default: The “Beer Mug” emoji.


Consult this file for the list of formulae to check by default when no formula argument is passed to brew livecheck.

Default: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/homebrew/livecheck_watchlist.txt if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set or $HOME/.homebrew/livecheck_watchlist.txt otherwise.


If set, Homebrew will add this output as additional context for locking errors. This is useful when running brew in the background.


Use this directory to store log files.

Default: macOS: $HOME/Library/Logs/Homebrew, Linux: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/Homebrew/Logs or $HOME/.cache/Homebrew/Logs.


Use this value as the number of parallel jobs to run when building with make(1).

Default: The number of available CPU cores.


If set, do not send analytics. Google Analytics were destroyed. For more information, see:


If set, calls to brew cleanup and brew uninstall will not automatically remove unused formula dependents.


If set, do not automatically update before running some commands, e.g. brew install, brew upgrade and brew tap. Preferably, run this less often by setting HOMEBREW_AUTO_UPDATE_SECS to a value higher than the default. Note that setting this and e.g. tapping new taps may result in a broken configuration. Please ensure you always run brew update before reporting any issues.


If set, do not use Bootsnap to speed up repeated brew calls.


A comma-separated list of formulae. Homebrew will refuse to clean up or autoremove a formula if it appears on this list.


If set, do not print text with colour added.

Default: $NO_COLOR.


If set, do not print HOMEBREW_INSTALL_BADGE on a successful build.


If set, do not print any hints about changing Homebrew’s behaviour with environment variables.


If set, do not use the GitHub API, e.g. for searches or fetching relevant issues after a failed install.


If set, forbid redirects from secure HTTPS to insecure HTTP.

Note: while ensuring your downloads are fully secure, this is likely to cause from-source SourceForge, some GNU & GNOME-hosted formulae to fail to download.


If set, do not check for broken linkage of dependents or outdated dependents after installing, upgrading or reinstalling formulae. This will result in fewer dependents (and their dependencies) being upgraded or reinstalled but may result in more breakage from running brew install formula or brew upgrade formula.


If set, brew install, brew upgrade and brew reinstall will never automatically cleanup installed/upgraded/reinstalled formulae or all formulae every HOMEBREW_CLEANUP_PERIODIC_FULL_DAYS days. Alternatively, HOMEBREW_NO_CLEANUP_FORMULAE allows specifying specific formulae to not clean up.


If set, do not install formulae and casks in homebrew/core and homebrew/cask taps using Homebrew’s API and instead use (large, slow) local checkouts of these repositories.


If set, brew install formula|cask will not upgrade formula|cask if it is installed but outdated.


If set, brew update will not show the list of newly added formulae/casks.


If set, Homebrew not verify cryptographic attestations of build provenance for bottles from homebrew-core.


If set, brew install formula will use this URL to download PyPI package resources.



If set, use Pry for the brew irb command.


If set, running Homebrew on Linux will simulate certain macOS code paths. This is useful when auditing macOS formulae while on Linux.


If set along with HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER, do not use bottles from older versions of macOS. This is useful in development on new macOS versions.


If set, enable runtime typechecking using Sorbet. Set by default for HOMEBREW_DEVELOPER or when running some developer commands.


If set, Homebrew will use the given config file instead of ~/.ssh/config when fetching Git repositories over SSH.

Default: $HOME/.ssh/config


If set, Homebrew will use the SUDO_USER environment variable to define the user to sudo(8) through when running sudo(8).


Use this as the svn(1) binary.

Default: A Homebrew-built Subversion (if installed), or the system-provided binary.


If set in Homebrew’s system-wide environment file (/etc/homebrew/brew.env), the system-wide environment file will be loaded last to override any prefix or user settings.


Use this path as the temporary directory for building packages. Changing this may be needed if your system temporary directory and Homebrew prefix are on different volumes, as macOS has trouble moving symlinks across volumes when the target does not yet exist. This issue typically occurs when using FileVault or custom SSD configurations.

Default: macOS: /private/tmp, Linux: /tmp.


If set, always use the latest stable tag (even if developer commands have been run).


If set, pass --greedy to all cask upgrade commands.


If set, always assume --verbose when running commands.


If set, verbose output will print a . no more than once a minute. This can be useful to avoid long-running Homebrew commands being killed due to no output.


If set, Homebrew will use the gh tool to verify cryptographic attestations of build provenance for bottles from homebrew-core.


If set, pass the -A option when calling sudo(8).


Use this SOCKS5 proxy for curl(1), git(1) and svn(1) when downloading through Homebrew.


Use this FTP proxy for curl(1), git(1) and svn(1) when downloading through Homebrew.


Use this HTTP proxy for curl(1), git(1) and svn(1) when downloading through Homebrew.


Use this HTTPS proxy for curl(1), git(1) and svn(1) when downloading through Homebrew.


A comma-separated list of hostnames and domain names excluded from proxying by curl(1), git(1) and svn(1) when downloading through Homebrew.


Set the http_proxy, https_proxy, all_proxy, ftp_proxy and/or no_proxy environment variables documented above.

For example, to use an unauthenticated HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy:

export http_proxy=http://$HOST:$PORT

export all_proxy=socks5://$HOST:$PORT

And for an authenticated HTTP proxy:

export http_proxy=http://$USER:$PASSWORD@$HOST:$PORT


Homebrew Documentation:

Homebrew API:

git(1), git-log(1)


Homebrew’s Project Leader is Mike McQuaid.

Homebrew’s Project Leadership Committee is Colin Dean, Issy Long, Mike McQuaid, Patrick Linnane and Vanessa Gennarelli.

Homebrew’s Technical Steering Committee is Bo Anderson, FX Coudert, Michka Popoff, Mike McQuaid and Rylan Polster.

Homebrew’s maintainers are Alexander Bayandin, Bevan Kay, Bo Anderson, Branch Vincent, Caleb Xu, Carlo Cabrera, Douglas Eichelberger, Dustin Rodrigues, Eric Knibbe, FX Coudert, Issy Long, Justin Krehel, Klaus Hipp, Markus Reiter, Michael Cho, Michka Popoff, Mike McQuaid, Nanda H Krishna, Patrick Linnane, Rui Chen, Ruoyu Zhong, Rylan Polster, Sam Ford, Sean Molenaar, Thierry Moisan, Timothy Sutton, William Woodruff and Štefan Baebler.

Former maintainers with significant contributions include Miccal Matthews, Misty De Méo, Shaun Jackman, Vítor Galvão, Claudia Pellegrino, Seeker, Jan Viljanen, JCount, commitay, Dominyk Tiller, Tim Smith, Baptiste Fontaine, Xu Cheng, Martin Afanasjew, Brett Koonce, Charlie Sharpsteen, Jack Nagel, Adam Vandenberg, Andrew Janke, Alex Dunn, neutric, Tomasz Pajor, Uladzislau Shablinski, Alyssa Ross, ilovezfs, Chongyu Zhu and Homebrew’s creator: Max Howell.


See our issues on GitHub:




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